
Two big hands and a heart pumping blood

I have a big cardboard box full of necessaries and one of those freezer bags full of food and drink. I collect my number then change, load up the running vest and lie down in the back of the car with my book. I get out and pee in a bush. I go back to the car and lie back down. Get up and pee in a bush. Lie back down in the car. I do this eight times, which I assume contributes to the biggest miracle of the day, my not urinating for five hours.   I miss the first minute of the pre race talk because I am...yes, peeing in a bush. The gist is "Don't be an idiot". I will do my best, sir, I will do my best. As we move to the start I try to position myself near people who look strong, but not too strong. This is a fool's errand. Everyone looks strong, and also too strong. The countdown starts with a seven. Six, five, four, three, two, one. We're off.  Up the boardwalk, through the forest. It's instantly beautiful. Light through the trees. Hard to appreciate though wh

We’ve been past the point of help since early April

So I can’t enter the Abbey Theatre’s “Dear Ireland Part Two: The Dear Irelanding” letter writing competition because my wife (my wife) works there and I certainly have not written a different one of these and submitted it under a suspiciously bland pseudonym. If had done that, this would be one I believe would have had a better chance but just wasn’t quite as good, or at least not as heartfelt. But I didn’t do that so it’s not a thing. Anyway, here’s my Dear Ireland letter.   Dear Ireland, How are you doing? You're looking well, in all this sun. These streets of yours are cleaner now  with  the lockdown lift. For a while there you'd gotten a little grim, as if you'd gone too many days without a shower, hiding behind pulled curtains, pizza boxes and empty cans strewn about. But we all have our rough patches. I know that I do. And as for me, I spent the morning moving from room to room ,  ushering bluebottles out of windows. I  feel  the futility of this. The big

We could always use some more electrical equipment

Now they both float above the surface, describing a wide arc, moving at maybe 40 klicks, though unhurried and strangely still. One head gently leans on its companion's neck as on they charge, they float.  Later Mo will spend twenty minutes joyfully fending off the advances of a Cockerdoodle, whatever the fuck that is, while the owner and I exchange pleasantries from halfway across a football pitch. I keep having to ask her to repeat herself. Because I am old, because I spend much of my working life beneath a speaker blaring, and because of, well you know. She's working from home. Her dog misses the other dogs from doggie day care. Her job is in wet wipes. Used to spend much of my working day beneath the speaker blaring. And will again, one assumes, hopes. Nine Inch Nails, Selina Gomez, Missy. Up too loud. Making the sound level monitor on the wall flash its red eye of disapproval and futility.  But not these days. Now it's headphones in and nothing but Mountain Goats an